Factors that Can Affect a Wrongful Death Claim’s Value

While no legal judgment or settlement agreement can resurrect a lost life, a wrongful death lawsuit is the most effective recourse for bereaved families to pursue justice. Such legal action holds individuals, businesses, or other entities accountable for their negligent actions that tragically resulted in the demise of their loved ones.

Pennsylvania law grants the right to close relatives of the deceased to initiate a lawsuit against any party whose negligence led to the victim’s untimely death. This right to legal action extends to the parent, child, or spouse residing with or financially dependent on the deceased. Individuals can lodge a claim reflecting their loss stemming from their loved one’s tragic death.

Wrongful Death Claims in Philadelphia

A wrongful death claim is a type of personal injury lawsuit brought about when someone is killed due to another person’s negligence, malicious intent, or wrongdoing. In essence, it is a legal means for the family or beneficiaries of the deceased to seek compensation for the pain, suffering, and economic loss they have experienced. This is due to their loved one’s untimely death. If the deceased had lived, they would have had the legal right to seek relief in court for any injuries and damages they suffered due to someone else’s unlawful actions. 

The concept of unjust death aims to extend this right to the deceased’s estate or family members. This allows them to claim on behalf of their loved one. A wrongful death claim, therefore, serves a dual purpose: to achieve justice for the departed and ensure financial security for those left behind. The legal basis for wrongful death claims derives from statute and case law. 

Fundamentally, for a wrongful death claim to succeed, it must be demonstrated that someone else is legally liable for the individual’s death. This means proving four key elements: duty of care, breach of duty, causation, and damages. Duty of care refers to one person’s obligation to avoid harming another. For instance, drivers on the road have a duty of care to act reasonably and avoid injuring others. 

Similarly, manufacturers must make products that are safe for consumers to use. A breach of duty refers to a scenario where this obligation is disregarded. The claimant must then establish that this breach of duty was the direct cause of their loved one’s death. For instance, if a driver speeds, runs a red light, and hits a pedestrian who later dies from their injuries, the breach of duty (speeding and running a red light) directly led to the pedestrian’s death.

Lastly, it must be demonstrated that the death results in quantifiable damages. These damages could be economic, such as lost earnings and burial costs, or non-economic, such as emotional distress and loss of consortium.

Legal Processes Involved in Wrongful Death Claims

Initiating a Wrongful Death Claim

Settlement vs. Trial

The first step in a wrongful death claim is initiating the lawsuit, typically handled by the executor or administrator of the deceased’s estate. The claim must be brought within a certain period, known as the statute of limitations. A wrongful death lawyer such as Baratta Law, LLC can help navigate these processes, compile the necessary evidence, and establish the case’s merits.

The legal process involves different phases upon filing the lawsuit, including discovery, negotiations, and a potential trial. Discovery is the fact-finding stage, where both sides gather and exchange evidence. Depositions may be taken, and expert testimony may be necessary, particularly where the cause of death or the extent of damages is disputed.

Many wrongful death lawsuits are settled out of court. This is typically less costly and time-consuming. During negotiations, both sides, typically through their counsel, will attempt to reach a settlement agreement. This is often involving an award of damages to the plaintiff. If a settlement cannot be reached, the case may proceed to trial, where a judge or jury will decide.

Whether through settlement or trial, the final verdict will strongly affect how successful the wrongful death claim is. Therefore, competent legal representation is crucial to ensuring the fairest possible outcome for the claimant.

Economic factors that affect the value of a wrongful death claim are numerous and complex. Understanding these factors can provide useful insight into how claims are calculated. It can also provide insight into what you might expect if you are ever in a situation that necessitates advancing such a claim.

Economic Factors Affecting the Wrongful Death Claim’s Value

Wrongful death claims, by their very nature, are inherently tied to the deceased’s economic circumstances. These claims seek to compensate for the economic impact of the decedent’s untimely death. 

The key economic factors that affect the value of a wrongful death claim are the deceased person’s lifetime earning potential. These factors include associated medical and funeral expenses, and the decedent’s contribution to the inheritance.

The Decedent’s Lifetime Earning Potential

Calculating the lifetime earning potential of the deceased is one of the more complex facets of establishing the value of a wrongful death claim. This involves estimating how much the deceased would have earned if they lived. Career trajectory, education level, earnings history, age, and health before death are all factors to be considered.

An economic expert is typically brought in to provide accurate calculations, extrapolating from the deceased’s earning history and potential future earnings. This includes any anticipated raises, promotions, or career advancements that might have been predicted based on the person’s past performance and industry trends. As you can imagine, this can result in huge sums, particularly if the decedent was young, healthy, and successful in their career at the time of death.

The Decedent’s Medical and Funeral Expenses

Medical expenses incurred in the incident that caused the death are also part of a wrongful death claim. Those costs are considered if the decedent’s death was not instantaneous and required medical attention before death. These might include hospital bills, medications, surgeries, rehabilitative therapy, or any other related medical expenses directly caused by the incident leading to the death.

Funeral expenses are included. The cost of funeral and burial, cremation, or other chosen method of body disposition can be surprisingly high. This adds to the economic impact of death. Ensuring these costs are included in the claim can alleviate the financial burden on loved ones.

Loss of Inheritance

Loss of inheritance is another economic factor that affects the value of a wrongful death claim. This generally applies when the decedent had dependents expecting assets. The loss is calculated based on the potential value of the estate if the person lived a full life. This includes not just current assets but also future earnings and accumulations.

Various economic factors can significantly affect the value of a wrongful death claim. Understanding these can provide crucial insight into how such claims are calculated and what to expect if you ever file.

Non-Economic Factors Affecting the Wrongful Death Claim’s Value

Determining the value of a wrongful death claim is often complex and difficult. While there are obvious economic factors to consider, such as the money the deceased would have earned, many non-economic factors can significantly impact the value of a wrongful death claim. These non-economic elements are subjective in nature, making them difficult to quantify. However, they are essential as they often form the basis of the loss felt most acutely by family members.

The Decedent’s Pain and Suffering Before Death

The decedent’s pain and suffering before death is one of the substantial non-economic factors considered when determining the value of a wrongful death claim. This refers to the physical pain the deceased suffered due to the incident that led to their death. It also refers to the mental or emotional suffering they endured due to their injuries or impending death. This element is largely based on the circumstances and severity of the cause of death. The more the decedent suffered before dying, the greater the claim value is likely to be. However, the challenge lies in proving this suffering, which often requires medical reports, witness testimonies, and expert statements.

Loss of Care, Guidance, and Nurturing the Decedent 

Another significant non-economic factor is the loss of care, guidance, and nurturing the deceased would have continued to provide had they not passed away. This relates to the emotional impact on family members who suffer without their loved one’s emotional support and guidance. 

It particularly impacts children who lose a parent, profoundly affecting their upbringing and development. This loss is assessed based on the decedent’s relationships, their role in the family, and their contributions to the household. Evidence for this element comes from statements of friends and family, a history of the decedents’ involvement, and expert opinion on the impact of the loss.

Loss of Companionship and Consortium

Wrongful death claim values can also be impacted by the loss of companionship and consortium due to a loved one’s death. This refers to the loss of love, society, and affection that family members suffer. 

The spouse or partner of the deceased is particularly impacted, enduring the loss of a partner in day-to-day activities, emotional support, love, and intimate relationships. This is not easy to quantify, as it places a monetary value on something as personal and profound as love and companionship. 

Parameters such as the relationship’s stability, the deceased’s life expectancy, and the effects on the partner can be considered when calculating this non-economic loss. Legal factors can significantly influence claim value in wrongful death cases. 

Understanding these factors can help claimants strategize their wrongful death lawsuits to ensure the best outcome. First, the level of negligence displayed by the at-fault party can greatly impact the value of a wrongful death claim.

Negligence refers to the failure to act with the level of care an ordinary, prudent person would exercise. In a wrongful death case, an at-fault party could be considered negligent if their actions, or lack thereof, directly caused another individual’s death. 

Generally, the higher the level of negligence, the higher the payout will likely be, as courts often seek to penalize more heavily those who display a high level of negligence, as it is deemed that they acted irresponsibly and caused unnecessary harm.

However, proving negligence can often be challenging, as there is a need to establish that an at-fault party had a duty of care to the deceased, that this duty of care was breached, and that this breach directly led to the wrongful death. Hence, having a skilled lawyer is crucial in guiding you through this complex legal process and ensuring your case is presented as strongly as possible.

Secondly, multiple liable parties can also affect the value of a wrongful death claim. In some wrongful death cases, there may be more than one party responsible for an individual’s death. This could be due to various circumstances, such as multiple drivers being at fault in a car accident. 

Having more than one liable party can complicate the wrongful death claim process. Although each at-fault party should contribute equally to the wrongful death claim payout, this is not always the case.

Some parties may attempt to negotiate down their contribution, while others may not have sufficient insurance to cover their portion of the claim. Consequently, depending on their situation, multiple liable parties can increase or decrease the value of a wrongful death claim.

Lastly, state laws and restrictions also play a huge role in determining the value of a wrongful death claim. Different states in the U.S. have different wrongful death laws. For example, some states may cap the amount awarded for non-economic damages (e.g., pain, suffering, and loss of companionship), which can limit the total payout in a claim.

In addition, different states have different statutes of limitations, which determine the time frame within which a wrongful death lawsuit must be filed. Missing this deadline may result in dismissal of the lawsuit, regardless of merits. In Pennsylvania, you generally have two years from the date of the death to file a wrongful death claim.

Understanding these laws and restrictions is crucial to calculating the potential value of a wrongful death claim. It also ensures that your claim is filed within the right time frame and in compliance with all relevant laws.

In sum, various legal factors can affect the value of a wrongful death claim. These factors include the level of negligence displayed by the at-fault party, multiple liable parties, and state laws and restrictions. Claimants must understand and consider these factors when strategizing their wrongful death lawsuit. 

Expert legal advice and representation are crucial in navigating these complexities and ensuring the most favorable outcome for your wrongful death claim. Insurance factors that affect the value of a wrongful death claim are multifarious and complex. These factors can greatly influence the monetary compensation a claimant can receive. Understanding these factors helps a claimant properly file for damages and maximize their compensation.

Insurance Coverage Limits

A key factor that can dramatically affect the value of a wrongful death claim is the defendant’s insurance coverage limits. Insurance policies contain a maximum payout limit. This amount is usually the maximum compensation the insurance company can provide, regardless of how much the actual damages are in the wrongful death claim.

These limits are established when the policy is purchased and can vary considerably, depending mostly on the premiums the policyholder is willing to pay. For instance, a homeowner’s insurance policy might cover up to $1 million, while an auto insurance policy might only cover up to $250,000.

The damages in a wrongful death lawsuit include compensation for medical bills, funeral expenses, loss of companionship, and expectations of future earnings. The policy limit might cover these damages in some cases but fall short in others.

This shortfall is usually due to the unpredictable and often substantial nature of these costs—particularly those linked to the loss of future earnings, as these can span many years or even decades. Therefore, if the defendant’s insurance coverage limit is too low to compensate for all damages, the claimant might need additional avenues of compensation.

Insurance Company Practices

Another potentially decisive influence on the value of a wrongful death claim is the insurance company’s practice. Insurance companies are businesses first and foremost; therefore, they might employ certain tactics to minimize wrongful death claims. Such strategies can encompass a broad spectrum, from offering an initial settlement amount less than the claim’s value. In addition, they can deny a claim outright based on certain policy exclusions. 

The company might also dispute the nature and extent of the damages, questioning whether they should be classified as economic or non-economic. This can directly impact the compensation amount. Knowledge of these tactics can be the key to settling wrongful death claims. Professional legal representation is often recommended to navigate through insurance companies’ complexities. 

Lawyers specializing in wrongful death claims can better understand these company practices. They can also guide claimants in negotiations, maximizing their chances of a fair settlement.

In summary, insurance factors influencing wrongful death claims can be myriad and complicated. Understanding these dynamics can help claimants navigate the system effectively, optimizing the potential compensation they can receive in these unfortunate circumstances. 

While the coverage limits set by the insured party’s policy will ultimately constrain the insurance payout, insurance companies’ practices can also dictate the final settlement value. Therefore, having professional legal assistance can be crucial in effectively dealing with these factors and negotiating a just settlement that duly compensates for the wrongful death.

Understanding Wrongful Death Claims

A wrongful death claim arises when a person dies due to the negligence or misconduct of another individual, company, or entity. Families’ pain and suffering after losing a loved one can be immeasurable, and it often compounded when the deceased is the primary breadwinner. Wrongful death claims are a legal recourse for such families to seek justice and recover losses incurred due to their loved ones’ untimely deaths.

The Value of Legal Representation in Wrongful Death Claims

Legal representation plays a critical role in wrongful death claims. Hiring an expert lawyer from the onset can significantly impact the direction of your case. This can also impact the settlement negotiation process, and, ultimately, the compensation you receive.

How Plaintiff’s Legal Representation Impacts Wrongful Death Claims

Experience of the Attorney

An attorney’s experience can have a massive impact on the value of a wrongful death claim. An experienced attorney understands wrongful death laws. They have extensive knowledge of what elements must be established to win a case. They also know what evidence is essential, and how to present the claim in the best light. Additionally, they are well-versed in negotiating with insurance adjusters and defense attorneys, which can drastically affect the final settlement amount.

Negotiation Skills 

Negotiation skills significantly impact the settlement amount in a wrongful death claim. Not all wrongful death cases go to trial; most are settled outside the court. The power of persuasion and the ability to negotiate effectively can influence the opposing side’s willingness to offer a better settlement. Moreover, an attorney skilled at negotiation can identify when the opposing side is not acting in good faith and guard against any attempts at manipulation or underhand tactics.

Proven Track Record 

The reputation and track record of the law firm representing the plaintiff can also play a crucial role in determining the value of a wrongful death claim. The reputation of a good law firm may lead defendants or their insurance carriers to take the claim more seriously. This may push for a fair resolution rather than dragging the case through a protracted court process. 

Law firms with a stellar reputation will have a documented history of successful claims, substantial settlements, or favorable jury verdicts. A law firm with such an extensive record of successful cases will often be in a more advantageous position to secure a higher compensation amount for the plaintiff in a wrongful death claim.

In conclusion, the legal representative’s quality and effectiveness, areas of expertise, negotiation skills, and the law firm’s track record significantly impact the value of a wrongful death claim. 

Therefore, it is critical to consider these factors when choosing an attorney for your wrongful death claim. It can mean the difference between a meager settlement and a compensation amount that reflects the damages and losses incurred. Prior settlements and court awards can significantly affect wrongful death claims. 

When a loved one dies due to another person’s negligence, their family can seek compensation through a wrongful death lawsuit. These lawsuits can help families dealing with medical bills, loss of income, and other hardships associated with their loved one’s passing. However, the process can be complicated, and prior settlements and court awards often come into play when determining the amount to be claimed.

Prior Settlements

Prior settlements from previous incidents or lawsuits can directly influence the value of a wrongful death claim. For example, if a person had previously settled a lawsuit related to an injury sustained in a car accident, the amount awarded could be considered when assessing the value of the wrongful death claim. This is because past settlements often set precedent and expectations for future ones.

Additionally, insurance companies often use past settlements to gauge liability. If they’ve made large payouts in the past, they may be less willing to offer a substantial settlement in the present case. This is particularly true if the circumstances of the current case are similar to those of previous lawsuits.

However, prior settlements can increase the value of a wrongful death claim. If the claimant has had multiple accidents or injuries due to the defendant’s negligence, the continuous cycle of harm could heighten the claim’s value, depicting a pattern of negligent behavior.

Court Awards

Court awards, like settlements, can greatly influence the value of a wrongful death claim, but in a different way. Court awards are public knowledge and often reported in the media. This can impact the public’s perception of the value of a wrongful death claim and the claimant’s expectations.

Higher court awards can establish a higher reference point for future wrongful death claims. When a large award is granted in a wrongful death case, other claimants may expect a similar level of compensation. This is especially true if their circumstances are similar. Additionally, such awards can set legal precedent, so similar cases may be judged or valued according to that award.

On the contrary, if court awards for wrongful death claims are consistently low, this could negatively affect future claims’ perceived and actual value. Potential claimants may be deterred from pursuing their case due to the perceived low return. They may also feel pressured into accepting lower settlement offers from insurance companies.

Past settlements and court awards can significantly affect wrongful death claims. It’s important to work with experienced legal professionals who understand these elements of trial law and can provide the most effective counsel and representation. Also, public sentiment and awareness of these issues can push for more equitable settlements and laws to ensure families are properly compensated in the face of a devastating wrongful death.

Seek Guidance from Baratta Law, LLC, Today!

Experiencing the loss of a loved one through another’s negligence is an unthinkable hardship. In these trying times, your family’s pain is substantial; no one should bear this burden alone. At Baratta Law, LLC, our lawyers are stalwarts in wrongful death. 
Entrusting your case to us means leaning on a team that strives to bring justice and light out of your tragedy. Our team, composed of revered attorneys with decades of experience, is committed to offering guidance for navigating the challenges ahead. To start a free case review with one of our skilled lawyers, contact us at 215-914-8132 or complete the contact form below.

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