How much is my car accident worth

How Much Is My Car Accident Worth?

For many people, financial hardship can result from an inadequate settlement following a car accident, altering their long-term financial plans.

The cost of your injury will be taken into account, along with how it has altered your standard of living. If your injury impedes your normal day-to-day activities, if it impairs your ability to work, if you anticipate future pain, or are experiencing any emotional and mental distress resulting from the injury, these are all things worth considering. 

Best Way To Get Your Maximum Claim

Several factors affect the amount of settlement you can receive in an automobile accident. Establishing your rights is more important at this point. To establish your rights, you may consider the following measures:

  • Seek medical attention right away.
  • Communicate with a lawyer before signing anything with an insurance company.
  • Have an attorney represent you when dealing with the insurance company to ensure that you get the compensation you deserve.

The amount of money you can expect from your lawsuit depends heavily on these factors. You need to keep a complete detailed record of the accident and subsequent medical expenses to support your claims. When your physician documents your pain and suffering in your medical files, an insurance agent is more inclined to accept it and maximize the compensation you are eligible for after an automobile accident.

Car Accident Settlement and Claims in Pennsylvania

In Pennsylvania, the compensation you receive following a car accident depends on how you file a claim. Economic damages such as auto repairs or replacement, hospital bills, and lost income resulting from absence from work are the only types you can recover under the no-fault system if you enable your insurance company to compensate you. 

Remember also that the statute of limitations for personal injury cases in Pennsylvania gives a victim two years from the date of the injury to file a lawsuit. When the two-year statute of limitations expires, the Court will most probably reject your claim, and you will forfeit your right to claim compensation. However, if justified, the Court may extend the timeframe for filing a lawsuit. Understanding and adhering to this rule is extremely important.

Reach Out to Your Injury Lawyer

A competent attorney must handle vehicle accident lawsuits. For those with no prior legal experience, filing a car accident claim can be confusing due to documents such as police reports and insurance paperwork. Health insurers need to prioritize their interests over those of their customers and they are supposed to monitor the process fairly. 

With a Baratta Law, LLC lawyer by your side, you are assured that your interests are protected throughout the process. Call us now at 215-914-8132 or fill out the form. Our experienced lawyers will assist you every step of the way. With this approach, you can recover all damages sustained in an automobile accident to the fullest extent possible.

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